How do I start a chicken farm/broiler in Malaysia?

Time : 2024-08-05

In Malaysia, with the growing population and consumers’ demand for healthy food, broiler farming has become a promising investment area. This article will detail the steps, requirements and precautions for starting a broiler farm in Malaysia.

1. Market Research and Planning

Before starting a chicken farming business, it is essential to conduct market research. Understanding the current market supply and demand, major competitors, chicken price fluctuations, and consumer preferences are all the basis for formulating a business plan. In addition, determining the scale and type of chicken farm (such as broilers or laying hens) is also an important part of the planning stage.

2. Site Selection and Construction

Choosing a suitable location is the key to success in the chicken farming industry. The ideal chicken farm location should be away from residential areas to avoid noise and sanitation issues, and it should be close to water sources and convenient transportation for transporting feed and products. When building a chicken house, proper ventilation, temperature control and sufficient space must be considered to prevent the spread of diseases.

3. Obtaining necessary permits and licenses

In Malaysia, opening a chicken farm requires approval from government departments and relevant licenses. This may include land use permits, environmental assessment approvals, and animal breeding permits. It is very important to contact the local agricultural department to understand all the necessary legal requirements.

4. Chicken Purchase and Management

Selecting high-quality chicks is crucial to the success of the chicken farming business. Healthy chicks should be purchased from reputable suppliers and ensure that they have a good genetic background. In addition, reasonable feeding management, disease prevention, and regular veterinary examinations are also key to ensuring the health of chickens and improving production efficiency.


5. Feed Management

Feed costs account for most of the operating costs in the chicken farming industry. Using high-quality feed can increase the growth rate and survival rate of chickens, thereby improving overall economic benefits. At the same time, reasonable feed management can reduce waste and control costs.

6. Sales and Marketing

Establishing a stable sales channel is another key factor for the success of the chicken farming business. Products can be sold by establishing partnerships with local supermarkets, restaurants, and meat processing plants. In addition, using online platforms and social media for marketing can expand market coverage and attract more customers.

7. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

The chicken farming business requires continuous monitoring and regular business evaluation to ensure the efficiency and profitability of the operation. This includes monitoring the health of the chickens, recording and analyzing production data, reviewing the financial status, etc.

How to Start a Broiler Farm in Malaysia Faster

For Malaysian poultry farmers who want to start broiler farming quickly, well-known manufacturers and suppliers such as LIVI Poultry Equipment Manufacturers offer a range of options that suit different needs and budgets. They offer a full range of automated broiler farming equipment to help farmers start broiler farming more easily.


Opening a broiler farm in Malaysia is a promising business investment, but it requires exhaustive preparation and professional management. By following the above steps, investors can not only ensure the smooth running of the business, but also succeed in the competitive market. Remember, continuous learning and adapting to market changes are the key to the success of any agricultural business.


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