We are happy to share a broiler chicken cages project in Ghana where a chicken farmer purchased 40,000 of our broiler cages.
we had the honor to provide a chicken farmer from Liberia with 15000 laying hen cages, a total of 168 sets of 3-tier A-type layer cages.
What she purchased is 300 sets of the chicken cage for 48000 layers, those 300 sets will be placed in 4 chicken sheds
10,000 layers cage system installed successfully in Kazakhstan.This customer was introduced by our old customer, and his friend is a very successful business man by raising chicken.
Our customer sent us some pictures about his chicken farm.He has finished the installation about the chicken farming equipment.
The equipment for 10,000 pullets includes 46sets of the chicken cage, one set trolley feeding machine, 2 sets belt manure removing and ventilation system.